Laney BSU Constitution

Black Student Union of Laney College

We the students of Laney College, in order to create unity, foster academic success, foster community involvement, and advance the quality of life of people of African Descent, and we declare our right and our responsibility to organize for the welfare of our people, and do hereby establish the Black Student Union of Laney College.

I. Mission Statement
The Black Student Union of Laney College exists to represent voice of the students of African Descent at Laney College. Our mission is to establish a cohesive and productive union amongst Black students, faculty, and community. We strive for academic excellence and to provide students with resources to ensure their success. Additionally, we provide cultural awareness and social support to encourage students to stay committed to our collective upliftment as a people.

II. Objectives
a. Laney College Black Student Union commits itself to making the campus an environment conducive to the academic achievement of students of African Descent.
b. Laney College Black Student Union recognizes the importance of our campus having a diverse community and therefore actively encourages the recruitment and retention of Black faculty, staff, administrators and students.
c. Laney College Black Student Union aims to develop and encourage programming aimed at fulfilling the cultural needs of the Black student population and aims to attract additional membership.
d. Laney College Black Student Union understands the lack of preparation students are receiving prior to attending campus and mentors grade school youth in order to properly prepare them for college.
e. Laney College Black Student Union understands that many obstacles exist for all students of color on campus and therefore interact with other student organizations to support causes that strengthen our impact on campus

III. Name, Colors and Mascot
a. The name of this organization shall be the Black Student Union of Laney College or the Laney College Black Student Union, herein as the Laney BSU.
b. The colors of this organization shall be Red, Black and Green
c. The mascot of this organization shall be a Black Panther.

IV. Membership
a. Active Members must enrolled at Laney College and may not be restricted by race, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, creed, mental or physical ability, or sexual orientation.
b. Associate Members must be enrolled at a Peralta College.
c. Affiliate Members must be involved in the Black community.
d. Alumni Members must be former members of a Black student organization at Laney College

V. Officers
a. All officers must be active members and members of Club Knowledge.
b. Officers must maintain a minimum grade point average (G.P.A.) of 2.0.
c. Officers shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Director. Appointed persons shall include: Historian, Membership Chairperson, Events Chairperson, Black History Month Chairperson, Programs Chairperson, Marketing Chairperson, and Fundraising Coordinator, and Community Service Chairperson.
d. All officers shall hold office for one (1) academic year. Officers shall assume their duties at the annual transition meeting or at the beginning of the next academic year, whichever occurs first.
e. Should a position become vacant the President, upon approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint a member to serve in that position.
f. Should it be alleged that a Royal Officer has neglected the duties of the office held, then that member may be subject to be removed from office in accordance with the By-Laws of the Laney College Black Student Union

VI. Meetings
a. Meetings of the General Membership shall be held each week at a time determined by the General Membership.
b. Meetings of the Executive Board shall occur at least twice per month.
c. Special meetings may be called by the President as needed or at the request of three (3) officers.

VII. Committees
a. Standing Committes of the BSU shall be: Membership, Programs, Events, Marketing, Fundraising, Black History Month, Community Service, and Scholarship.
b. Special Committees may be appointed by the President as necessary.

VIII. Elections
a. Elections shall be held each academic year during at a general membership meeting of the BSU in the Spring or the first three weeks of the Fall semester.
b. Any member in good standing may vote in a general election of the BSU.
c. Active members attending the general meeting shall elect officers of the BSU.
d. Election procedures shall be explained in the BSU By-Laws.

IX. Amendments
a. Amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall not be voted on until the following regular meeting. Two-thirds (2/3) of the membership present is required for adoption of amendments.

X. By-Laws
a. This section authorizes the creation of Black Student Union By-Laws.
b. Laney BSU shall create and adhere to approved BSU By-Laws consitent with the aims of this organization.
c. All by-laws become effective immediately upon acceptance by two-thirds of the BSU Council

XI. Advisor
a. The Laney BSU shall have an Advisor as an ex-officio member of the BSU.

Adopted September 2007